

One-Day Seminars and Workshops

Are you looking for a speaker for a one-day (9 am-3 pm) workshop or seminar? Perhaps you would like to have a quiet-day retreat for your church community or small group. Choose something from the offerings presented here. 

Prayer and The Journey Inward -- A prayer self-assessment will be taken at the beginning of the workshop to determine your preferred prayer style; then four styles will be introduced and practiced in this truly prayerful day.

The Seasons of Our Lives -- What spiritual “season” are you now experiencing? Explore the seasons of your life from a spiritual viewpoint, spend time in reflection, share your current season with others, and write your own “season-psalm.” Periods of silence with God are a part of the day.

Cultivating Gratitude -- Discover and experience how to be truly grateful for your life, the planet, one another, and God’s gifts. Spiritual practices and activities around gratitude and thankfulness are explored. Guided meditations, reflective activities, and group sharing are included, as are periods of deep listening to God.

Expressing Our Spirituality Creatively  This is a creativity-based retreat that asks what our spirituality looks like, celebrates the different ways we express it, and introduces creative, spiritual practices to support it. There will be artistic activities to explore and play with, along with prayer, plus music and movement. A fun and creative day!

Sabbath Spirituality Now -- Is your life too busy? Do you wish you could slow down and appreciate things more? This workshop will give you some tools to begin an overhaul on your busy life. Lots of prayer, Sabbath-style rest, great ideas, soul-searching, and experimentation will give you the chance to save your own life from the treadmill and demands that our culture breeds. Come and learn how to pray, play, share with others, and relax.

Praying With Color -- Based on Sybil MacBeth’s book, Praying in Color, this enjoyable and innovative class explores prayer as an “active, meditative, playful, prayer practice” using color markers, color pencils and paper. (It is not an art class; if you can doodle then you can do this prayer form!) Learn this simple prayer process, and you can create visual reminders of the time spent in prayer and what you prayed for. Surprisingly fun, definitely worthwhile!

“Who Do You Say I Am?” -- Based on the Mark 8:27-30 text, this class explores the life-changing question that Jesus asked his disciples (and ultimately asks us). It’s an in-depth look at this text from Mark’s gospel, and the day is filled with activities: journaling, a guided meditation, prayer, reflection, and group sharing.

Mandalas: Symbols of Inner Healing -- “Mandala” is the Sanskrit word for wholeness, or center. A mandala is a sacred circle with a center point, which has for centuries been a universal image of wholeness and healing for many civilizations. More simply, it’s an art form that encompasses a graphic and often symbolic pattern. The mandala workshop employs different mediums and activities to discover the inner healing that is available through the creation, reflection, and sharing of mandalas. This is a very creative day!

6-Week Lent Class Series -- A Lenten series of classes during the weeks prior to Easter can be very meaningful for congregations and groups. We focus on the history of Lent, its uses, and how it can bring us closer to Christ in the six-week “journey to the cross.” Participants will experience the ancient ritual of a seder meal, as well. The series can be morning or evening classes during the week or on Sunday mornings.
4-Week Advent Class Series -- Bring your favorite Christmas crèche and share your memories during an Advent class series. The history of Advent and Christmas will be explored, and we’ll reflect on God’s greatest gift to humankind with journaling, discussion, and prayer during the four-week series. The series can be morning or evening classes during the week or on Sunday mornings.

Custom Class Development -- Do you have a particular class need or desire for a special workshop for your community? Choose your intended scripture passage or topic, and let me develop and teach it for you. Custom workshops and classes are always available.

Contact Information - To contact Lynne Prechel about teaching a class or seminar and leading a workshop, email her at: or call her at: 714-721-8740. Rates for seminars and workshops are also available when you contact Lynne by phone. (Fees will only be discussed on the phone and not by email.)


Laura Bush said...

Very informative article, which you have shared here about the microwave. After reading your article I got very much information and it is very useful for us. I am thankful to you for sharing this article here.Internal Medicine Cme Conferences

Lynne Prechel said...

Um, I don't think I said anything about a microwave, Laura. Are you sure you are posting at the right place?

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